• How to Bring Your Best Self to Work

    Strategies for Career Success.

    The New Book From Michael Moriarty


Michael Moriarty


Ever since I was in my early teens, I have had a passionate interest in leadership and for much of my working career I have had various leadership roles in both the public and private sectors in Ireland and also in Europe as president of the European Federation of Education Employers.

I have enjoyed speaking at many events both in Ireland and Europe on topics ranging from improving industrial relations, building skills levels, leadership and management, enhancing education and leading change. I have experienced success and learned from failures, but I have enjoyed living and learning from my leadership roles where I could make a difference to the lives of others.

I started my working life as a teacher and then as a school principal; I was the chief executive of a radio station, president of a chamber of commerce, the General Secretary of both the Irish Vocational Education Association and Education and Training Boards Ireland. I have served as a board member of both Ireland’s national training authority and its national skills council. I was also an authority member of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. I have led other community and voluntary bodies which were most rewarding personal experiences.

So, my leadership experiences have been many and varied. Serving on governing boards with highly qualified and experienced professionals was also hugely beneficial to me on my own personal leadership journey. I had the opportunity to observe and learn while also engaging with leaders from many different backgrounds. I have more than the theory and knowledge of leadership; I have the extensive experience and insights gained over more than three decades of continuous leadership service.

I developed my potential for writing when I was involved in the radio industry and published a related newspaper. Over the years I have written a variety of articles for magazines and newspapers and I am a regular blogger on matters relating to leadership and career development. I have published my book on leadership (Every Leader’s Reality Guide), a book about an Irish patriot (The Execution of Kevin Barry) before publishing my latest book, How to Bring Your Best Self to Work – Strategies for Career Success.

I believe we all need a purpose in life and my current focus is on unravelling what it means to be a good leader to help others enhance their capacity in both their personal lives and careers. I enjoy working with people in seminars and training sessions because I can draw on a lifetime of experience in leadership and skills enhancement which I share with others.
Welcome to my publishing world where you can learn more about me , my life and career.

How to Bring Your Best Self to Work – Strategies for Career Success

In this book I set out what, I believe, drives career success. I argue that you can have a better future, that attitude impacts on life’s opportunities and that you can build confidence, self-belief and resilience because these are the engines for career success. I show that you can have a positive influence on the world if you learn how to manage your mind. The book’s section on leading to leadership highlights the role that values, empathy and trust can play in leading successful organisations.

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Every Leader's Reality Guide

Using his life and leadership experiences , gained in a variety of leadership roles over three decades, Michael Moriarty sets out how leaders or aspiring leaders can ignite their true leadership potential.

Each chapter of Every Leader’s Reality Guide is laced with insights and strategies as well as personal learning experiences that will truly transform any leadership role. A must for any leader’s desk.

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What it Said in the Papers: The Execution of Kevin Barry

Kevin Barry’s execution at the age of 18 attracted world-wide attention. His memory lives on today in story, song and verse.
The extraordinarily detailed newspaper reports of his court martial and execution, and the accounts of the public’s response to events as they unfolded, have ensured that Kevin Barry’s memory has remained in the Irish public’s consciousness.


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